Check out our Facebook event here.
Climate change is often presented to us as an abstract scientific issue and yet its consequences have profound implications on every aspect of our lives. To tackle the climate crisis does not only mean more people turning off their lights and recycling – it requires that we re-think the way our society runs; in its political systems, in business practices etc.
Climate justice movements across the world are growing in their demands for a fossil free future, and for a fair and justice transition.
But in changing the way our system runs, can the climate crisis actually help us reclaim our democracy?
Join Zero Carbon and guest speakers:
SUZANNE JEFFERY (Chair of the Campaign Against Climate Change and the CCC Trade Union Group)
OSCAR GILLESPIE (Green Party Councillor in Cambridge, worked with Fossil Free Cambridgeshire)
ANGUS SATOW (Co-founder of the Cambridge University divestment campaign and campaigns officer at Zero Carbon)
More speakers TBC!!!!
Hope to see you there, in the run up to our March for Divestment (April 30th).
All welcome!