Fossil Fuel Divestment at the University of Cambridge – Official Report

The Zero Carbon Society has released its official report outlining the case for divestment at the University of Cambridge, which can be accessed here. This 74-page report is the product of months of research by a team of committed students, members of the Zero Carbon Society.


Foreword from Dr Rowan Williams (former Archbishop of Canterbury):

“This document is a very remarkable achievement in itself, representing a fusion of serious and wide-ranging research, lucid argument and moral passion. As such, it is a worthy product of Cambridge at its best – and what it does is to appeal to Cambridge at its best. If we claim, as we rightly do, that a good university is an institution that poses large and serious questions to society overall, and that seeks to shape minds and lives which are not passive, conformist and afraid of responsibility, then the issues raised in these pages are a proper matter for the University and the Colleges to consider.”

This report will be submitted for consideration by a working group of the Advisory Committee on Benefactions and External and Legal Affairs (ACBELA),  which will to submit its own report of recommendations to the University Council on 23rd May this year.

Check out this article in Varsity for more information on the release of our report.