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Join Zero Carbon on Saturday the 30th of April at lunchtime as we march for Cambridge University to step up and play a positive role in our future by divesting from fossil fuels. Over the course of this campaign we have dropped banners, drawn red lines, popped carbon bubble balloons and reached over 2000 signatures on our petition. This march is the culmination of our efforts to pressure the university into taking the decision to divest as the working group on ethical investment concludes. EVERYONE is welcome, please invite your friends!
It is more important than ever that the people of Cambridge – students, lecturers, citizens, businesses and societies and groups of all stripes – make clear that we support divestment from fossil fuels and use this last opportunity to make our voices heard to actually bring about change.
A decision here will reverberate across the globe. Let’s make sure the University of Cambridge joins Warwick, Edinburgh, Glasgow, LSE, the British Medical Association, the Church of England and many others in standing up for a sustainable future, in solidarity with the lives and livelihoods of those already being affected devastatingly by climate change, by revoking the social license of the fossil fuel industry to continue to destroy the planet. #DivestCambridge #FossilFree
START: Magdalene Bridge (TBC) 12pm
END: outside Senate House, 1pm
Speakers: TBC
Route: will be published after consultations with the police.
Banner and placard making: details will be posted on this event. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own, but a loud voice is more important than anything else!